Monday, January 14, 2013

The Weight of My Bipolar-ness

The weight of my bipolar-ness has crushed my very existence this last week, and I can’t foresee any reprieve in the near future.  Every time my moods plummet and my ability to think is stymied and the voices steal my attention from everything outside of myself, I feel like this is the last time~~like my madness has finally consumed me~~like my will to survive has been beaten out of me~~like my future is no longer viable.  I am so tired of the fight.  I could lay myself down and close my eyes forever to dream of better times~~times when I did not know this plague of the mind~~times before these vicious storms ravaged my brain~~times when I could convincingly pretend to be “normal.”    

What now?  I feel that I would be better off dead.  I know what a nightmare my death would bring upon the people I love~~I love them too much to kill myself.  Still there is the pain~~the real mental pain~~that I must bear . . . that people do not understand . . . that some do not even believe exists.  How fortunate they are~~the nonbelievers!  I hope they are never appointed to walk my path though sometimes I secretly wish they were.  I’d gladly hand over this plague. 

Sometimes I am a hypocrite.  I try to educate, support and encourage my fellow Beeper Peeps when I don’t really believe anything I say.  Well, I do believe but just not in that moment.  I am always sincere, but it is difficult to be hopeful in the midst of the vicious “brain” storms.  There are times when I just have to retreat~~times when I just don’t give a shit~~times when I am fighting for my life.  I suppose I am doing that now . . . writing to no one in particular. 

~~Tracey Lynn Barfield